Are Humans Insane? - Everyday Livingness
Note: before reading this blog, it might be an idea to visit the loo and then put on a cuppa. It’s lengthy… but worth a read. What would happen if a cosmological being was sent on a mission to visit Earth, morph into human form and then report back on its observations? This is how it might read… During my visit to Earth, the strange behaviours I observed led me to question human sanity. Here’s what I unravelled… Many humans in ‘advanced’ western cultures are pre-occupied with money. The more they get, the more they spend. Most appear to spend more than they have, then borrow more money from institutions that charge more money to do so. This is called debt. Most of these institutions are very wealthy because they have little regard for humanity. Then humans have to work harder to get more money to pay back the debt. Confused? I was! It appears that these problems are caused by greed – a condition where many humans and institutions desire more than they need. Because many humans work long hours, they have less time to relax and be with their loved ones. To counter this, they wait until they ...
Rod Harvey