End of a Relationship and the Expression of Love - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱About seventeen years ago I came to the end of a relationship and was divorced from my partner. I was feeling unhappy and desperate and it felt like we were stuck in our relationship. It was like we had an arrangement but there was no love in how we lived together. We were comfortable in our life but we were not truly respectful with each other and any true intimacy and honouring of each other was missing. It was a horrible feeling to stay with him, but to leave him also did not feel true, because I still felt love for this man. I had always had the feeling this love would never stop. I never truly wanted to leave him but I did not know at this stage how I could go on living with him. When I finally made the choice to leave my partner it was because I just could see no way to continue living with him without constantly compromising myself to fit into his life. I now know that then I had no love for myself. I was constantly trying to please him. I did not feel that I was ...
Kerstin Salzer