Healing my Exercise Addiction and Adrenal Exhaustion - Everyday Livingness
My experience of exercising over the last 35 to 40 years, would be to say that when taken to great lengths it can become an addiction – like any other drug. With this addiction I would use exercise to numb and avoid the feelings of emptiness I had, to control emotions that would arise, and use it as a way of expunging any pent-up feelings. I used exercise to fill the void. It provided a high that encouraged me to go back to the gym to get my next fix. When I was working, before I had my children, I felt I had exercise in balance. This was in the eighties when aerobics had just started and the classes were more organic and less frenetic than they are now. I would go to two, maybe three classes per week, and walk. But after having children and spending more time in my own company without the distraction of work, a feeling of emptiness started to rise up, as well as a feeling that I wasn’t doing enough by just being at home, even though I adored my two children and loved caring for them. My daily routine was built around the ...