Opening up to my Mom - Everyday Livingness
I thought I was in a great relationship with my mom until I was reading the blog by Caroline Raphael I Not Only Love My Mum, I adore her…What a Revelation! As a kid, life was very challenging for me. Later in life I felt that I kept blaming my mom for things that happened, even though deep down I knew that it was because of choices I had made. I was always ‘nice’ to my mom but in truth I kept her at a distance even when I hugged her or when I saw her. I tried with coaching and the support of friends to work on these issues, but deep down nothing changed. I was still often in reaction to my parents. It was like they always pressed the right buttons through their behaviour, which triggered old hurts within me. It was only when I started to do the workshops and healing modalities with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon that true changes came in the relationship between me and my mom. I healed some very deep hurts from the past, which have been held and hidden in my body. During one workshop of Serge Benhayon where we worked ...