The Way of the Livingness & Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱I have had a few people recently meet me and think that I have always been this fit and this healthy and that it must be easy for me when it comes to making healthy lifestyle choices. Today it is easy to make these choices, because I feel the best health-wise and look the best I ever have. I have friends who have known me for 10-15 years who have said that I look younger now than I did back then. I definitely feel that way and I know it is a by-product of The Way of the Livingness. Eating Junk, Smoking and Taking Drugs From a teenager onwards I made some choices that I didn’t even realise were choices: I just made them because I thought it was normal, never once stopping to consider the effects these choices were having on my body. Here are some of the things I would do: I would eat whatever I wanted – take-away food, chips or fries, deep-fried foods and packaged, processed foods. I used to drink a can or two of Coke or Diet Coke a day. I was so into cheese that I could eat a ...