A Leader and a Role Model: Learning How to Truly Lead - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱I have been learning to be an effective leader – and a role model – for the past two years, ever since I applied for a position as shop and staff co-coordinator in a small company. I struggled a lot in learning to hold this position. It is like being in a sandwich between the owner, the customers and the staff, and feeling responsible for almost everything. I wanted out at times, I soldiered on, hardened, tried to control situations, etc., but I am still holding this position today and I have made it my everyday commitment to learn how to be me as a woman in this environment and how to make it work… and how to make it fun. What I am learning is the less I try to fight and control the situation, the less I try to counter pressure with pressure – and the more I allow myself to connect and see the person, be it customer, owner or staff – the easier it gets. The less I do and the more I allow myself to be, the better we work together as a team, the more things flow and work ...
Judith Andras