A Man’s True Tenderness – a Woman’s Sharing - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱Until recently, I had previously only ever felt a man’s true tenderness once in my life; a tenderness where there is no holding back, no protection or guard, just pure love and adoration, for not only themselves but also another. To experience a man’s true tenderness is nothing short of amazing and exquisite – to feel the absolute joy in them, the expression of and being of gentleness, no holding back from all that they are. There is a strength within this tenderness, without any hardness. Observing such a different way of being in the men in and around my life, knowing and feeling there was a tenderness within, but that it was not being lived or expressed, I felt there was a fear that if their tenderness was let out for anyone to see, they would be seen as weak. Why do we as a society support and allow men to be all that they are not when they are truly beauty-full? Growing up, we are led to believe that this is just how things are; a given, an ideal so to speak, that we do not question. It becomes a part of us ...
Nicole Serafin