Acquired Taste - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱Sometimes things spring to mind that I used to indulge in – like drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sport and motorcycle riding, to name a few. One by one I have been constantly refining and redefining the things I put into or do to my body so as to not cause harm to myself, adopting a more self-loving, non self-destructive way. I often think I miss the taste of things but on looking at this a little deeper I wonder if I actually do. Whiskey for instance – I used to believe I loved the taste and would drink it straight like a ‘real man’. I remember thinking it was so sophisticated, single malt in one hand, and a cigar in the other. The first time I ever took a swig of whiskey straight, it burnt my throat, made my eyes water and probably made me sick – but still I persevered until I acquired the taste. I have to say that I never really got to grips with cigar smoking, but cigarettes were a close second. The first time I ever tried white wine it gave me instant heartburn, so I tried red; this didn’t give ...
Kevin McHardy