Building a True Relationship with Food - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱Do we ‘Live to eat?’ or ‘Eat to live?’ are often questions when it comes to our relationship with food. My relationship with food is an ongoing discovery and accepting the shifts that come with discovering what I can and cannot eat is what builds this relationship with food. These days I can get an instant pain in my head for so much as tasting a food that I had let go of because it was harming my body. So, if our bodies communicate to us and at times very loudly that what we are eating is harming us, then why do some of us push through these signals, ignoring the feelings of fullness, bloating, pain, exhaustion, nausea and so on? Often, I hear of people telling their story of how they did not pay attention to their relationship with food until something big happened to them, like a chronic illness or some other body reaction. I did not care about what I ate until I hit rock bottom with chronic fatigue syndrome. I felt my body was just about entirely drained of energy, that the couch became my best friend for nearly five years. ...
Annie Torok