From My Love for Men - Everyday Livingness
Ever since I can remember, I have always been surrounded by men. Before the age of around 11 most of my friends were boys, from the ones with whom I’d play wrestling and football to the ones I’d persuade to play house with me and my dolls, which to be honest wasn’t that difficult. From my experience with men, I got to see that they actually can be deeply caring and very gentle. Even more so, I have observed that the toughest, rock-solid, scary looking guys have this tender, child-like quality to them too, which no extra-large bicep, dark tattoo or hoody could conceal. Men, just like women, are sensitive. Men, just like women, seek connection and love. Men, just like women, deserve to be treated tenderly and honoured for these innate qualities. Sadly, and no different from women, men build up layers of protection to keep them ‘safe’ from this world full of social ideals and expectations that are not configured to let them live their sweetness, their sensitivity and their delicacy. So often we as women take the men in our lives for granted, focussing on all of the things they do, rather than who they are on ...