Is Time Travel Possible? - Everyday Livingness
Print ๐Ÿ–จ PDF ๐Ÿ“„ eBook ๐Ÿ“ฑLast year I met an old friend who I hadn’t seen for nearly 15 years. He recognised me but I knew he couldn’t remember my name, so I said, “You don’t remember me do you?” to which he shook his head, so I told him my name. He literally stood there for about 3-4 seconds with his mouth open and eyes wide in disbelief and just blurted out “You’ve gone back in time.” We started to talk about how I had chosen to refine my diet; over the last few years I had cut out dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugar and caffeine. This dietary change has had such a profound and positive effect on me and my overall well-being; it had also helped me lose a lot of extra weight I had been carrying. But his only response to everything that I shared with him was “What, you don’t drink any alcohol at all?” I found it strange that his only response was about the alcohol so I presented to him the possibility that what we eat has a direct influence on how we look and that certain foods and drink can age us prematurely. Using ...
Tim Bowyer