Is University Exhausting Us For Life? - Everyday Livingness
I did 8 years at university, including 2 years living on campus, and can clearly recall the stress and pressure that went with university life. It was and still is very common for students to stay up very late to finish work or cram for exams – it is almost expected. One time at uni I worked in the office all night – after I had been working all day – to finish a report due the next day. I worked until 2am then went to sleep on the office floor, to be woken by the cleaner at 4am. It was something I laughed about with friends, and it was even seen as tough and committed. Looking back at this period of my life I realised that: The average University life has a negative impact on one’s body; The majority of students finish their degree stressed, exhausted and needing a break, a long holiday away, and often dreading thought of working full time; There’s no true vitality, strength, aliveness, alertness and an eagerness to join the workforce at the completion of a degree because of the drag it has been to get through uni – let alone the last few ...
Danielle Pirera