Life gets more Interesting when you are Interested - Everyday Livingness
My partner and I decided to have a look at our friendship within our relationship. We wanted to look at why we react when something comes up for the other person. In that process we came across a short interview with Annette Baker and Gabrielle Caplice called: How do you have communication without reaction? In that short 90 second video with Annette and Gabrielle, although the words spoken are very powerful, it is the energy between them, the way they look at each other, and the interest Gabrielle had in what Annette was saying that was far beyond the words. The unwavering capture of Gabrielle wanting to hear every word that was said by Annette, nodding in such agreement and delight, got us wondering – do we have that delight and appreciation for each other in our relationship? Are we that interested in each other, or do our conversations revolve around what is in it for us, what our hurts are, what point we are trying to make and making sure we make it? The initial conversation between my partner and I was hard to face and it almost felt like a breakup talk – like how can you not ...
Natalie Misztal