Media Mayhem - Everyday Livingness
While watching some footage on Hurricane Irma wreaking its havoc through the Caribbean and the USA in September 2017, the television broadcasters were lamenting that the radio broadcasters were ‘losing’ and ‘losing out’ because people were tuning into their TVs for the coverage the visuals of TV offer, rather than listening to radios. Immediately, I furrowed my brow. Since when did news become about winning and losing? Isn’t news for all? Isn’t it actually a service for everybody, equally? Why have we made providing news a competition? What is newsworthy is that our worldwide media has become about advertising deals and making money based on readership/viewership levels – the going rate for a commercial during the 2017 USA Superbowl was US $5.02 million (1). It’s based on clicks and shares on social media, achieved all the more depending on the degree of drama, sensationalism, scandal, ability to stay front page for longer etc. The more terrorising, horror-full, exposing, painful, weird, attention seeking, alarming or impactful the reporters/journalists can make a story, the better. Many media outlets stand behind the motto: ‘People deserve to know.’ But so often this gives rise to the ‘dog eat dog,’ or ‘cat and mouse’ chase ...
Suzanne Anderssen