My Morning Routine: From Exhaustion to Truly Energised - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱I was contemplating how different my morning routine is compared to a few years ago… In the past I woke up by being jolted from an exhausted sleep by my alarm blaring in the background; I’d slap it resentfully with my hand to shut it up, groan “oh God, why isn’t it Saturday” and lie there in the dark while I summoned up the energy to switch the bedside light on. I’d languish in bed watching early morning TV whilst drinking a strong coffee to get me going. Then it was a mad rush to walk the dogs, make a packed lunch, eat some toast and have at least 2 or even 3 more coffees before I could consider showering, brushing my teeth and going to work. Mornings were a half asleep rush and stress to get out the door on time. Getting out of bed was an effort and some days I would even cry on my way to work because I was so exhausted before my long day even began. I look back at how easily I’d become stressed and frustrated by the little things; like a patient being five minutes late, a ...
Rachel Hall