Searching for Love in All the Wrong Places - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱I saw myself as a teenager, wandering around lost and bewildered, full of questions. For as long as I can remember, every birthday, every shooting star, at every wishing well, I would always wish for the same thing. I would wish for love. Little did I know at the time that it was within me always, that I didn’t need to go seeking it, that I wasn’t going to get it because someone wanted me, physically, sexually, or just as a friend. I wasn’t going to get it from being needed by my children, as a mother. My search for love continued … more birthdays, more shooting stars. Because if that had been love, why did I still feel so empty, surrounded by my family, a nice place to live, lots of friends and a loving extended family? To add to it, I began giving up on myself because I thought my partner was not seeing me or hearing me or choosing to prioritise being with me over other things. I was waiting for change, to be changed by something outside myself. I was getting more and more frustrated and desperate. I had several abortions and explained ...