The Banana Sandwich - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱I’ve always been interested in food, in fact it has dominated my adult life. In my 20’s I started overeating and as a result put on weight year on year. I never considered myself to have an eating disorder but I did – I was a binge eater. I used food and alcohol to dull my feelings because a lot of things upset me and eating seemed to calm me down, so I did that a lot. Drinking helped me forget but I was always sick the next day so eventually I stopped. I kept going with the food and when preparing a meal I used to nibble (I still do) almost a whole meal before eating the one I was actually cooking. Then eat more afterwards. It felt like an empty void I could never quite fill and at the end of each meal I would instantly be thinking about what I was going to eat for my next meal… and then snack some more in between. I am still doing that but recently I have become more discerning in the foods I choose to snack on. I can walk around the supermarket looking ...
Carmel Reid