The Force Behind Sport - Everyday Livingness
Print 🖨 PDF 📄 eBook 📱 Is the sports fanatic being disguised by a normal, healthy and acceptable lifestyle, but carefully hiding much more, by a framework of words, systems and terminology? Is it possible that there is only one voice of truth that speaks back to this ‘framework of words, systems and terminology’ and that this voice is the voice of the physical body? Recently I was in discussion about people that are heavily into sports. There seems to be nothing that can shift the almost manic behaviour of constant stimulation and unrest. You can see how their bodies are being run ragged with a force that is driving and pushing to the absolute limit. The only thing that stops the momentum, is injury and hospitalisation, and then there is a breather – the body actually gets a chance to rest. This whole discussion began through the topic of injury, and observing repetitive ongoing occurrences from one month to the next: only each time, the injuries seem to get worse, with longer recovery periods taking place. Why are we not joining the dots – correlating the ill-gotten movement of push and drive, and the end point resulting in injury? ...