The Right Fuel For The Body - Everyday Livingness
As part of our day-to-day lives most of us drive cars . . . and cars, like our bodies, require fuel to run. So there is a need to stop at a petrol station and fill our car with the appropriate fuel. In saying that, we would never plan to drive in and fill our petrol-fuelled car with diesel fuel, or vice versa. Through marketing and service information we are encouraged to use the ‘right fuel’ for our vehicle; for example, some cars will only accept premium quality petrol, or diesel. So why is it when we have taken the time to put the right fuel in our car we then look to buy one or more of the huge range of petrol station in-store ‘food’ products that don’t give our bodies the right fuel to run on? A packet of chips or a donut are not premium fuel for the body, as examples. Now there is little doubt that we would not want to put the wrong fuel into our cars for fear of what would happen and how much it would cost to fix: from personal experience I know it is expensive – and not to mention somewhat ...
Mick Scheenhouwer