Turning Single Parenting on its Head - Everyday Livingness
A friend said to me recently, “I am so inspired by your work ethic and quality of work, even when you’re really busy.” I paused for a moment to let in what she was saying. I realised a couple of things from this comment. One, I am not appreciating how incredibly dedicated I am to my job and, two, I really am incredibly dedicated to life in general. I credit this in large part to all that single parenting has taught me over the years. I genuinely enjoy being a single parent, which might be hard to believe given how the normal single parent story goes. I entered single parent-land before my daughter was born. Not your average ‘have a child and in comes the conflict that leads to a break-up’ kind of situation, as the relationship with her father ended before she was born. This put me on a high velocity learning curve for the next ten years (and I’m still learning!). It immediately brought me face-to-face with the ‘R’ word – Responsibility. There’s nothing that brings you to your humble knees more than a new-born baby requiring your absolute undivided attention … and knowing that it will be ...
Nicki Ferguson