Last year I met an old friend who I hadn’t seen for nearly 15 years. He recognised me but I knew he couldn’t remember my name, so I said, “You don’t remember me do you?” to which he shook his head, so I told him my name. He literally stood there for about 3-4 seconds with his mouth open and eyes wide in disbelief and just blurted out “You’ve gone back in time.”
We started to talk about how I had chosen to refine my diet; over the last few years I had cut out dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugar and caffeine. This dietary change has had such a profound and positive effect on me and my overall well-being; it had also helped me lose a lot of extra weight I had been carrying. But his only response to everything that I shared with him was “What, you don’t drink any alcohol at all?”
I found it strange that his only response was about the alcohol so I presented to him the possibility that what we eat has a direct influence on how we look and that certain foods and drink can age us prematurely.
Using the analogy of looking at our body as a car, what happens to a car if we:
- Don’t always put the right fuel in?
- Drive it too fast?
- Don’t protect it from rusting?
- Don’t keep it clean and tidy?
What happens is that the car starts to look shabby, neglected and old beyond its years.
Is it possible then, if we don’t lovingly take care of our bodies and really look at what fuel we put into it, that our bodies will go through the same process?
I feel that by putting the wrong fuel into our bodies it starts to rust from the inside. We start to look a lot older than we actually are and then things start to break down.
For instance, I used to have a constant supply of tablets for heartburn and indigestion because I was drinking too much coffee and alcohol combined with eating lots of fatty fried food and enormous amounts of sugar in the form of cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks. I would also feel bloated from eating foods with gluten, like bread or pasta.
Because of what I was eating I always felt lethargic; I just couldn’t be bothered to do anything except watch TV, which just compounded the issue. My thoughts were very foggy and only seemed to be about food and watching TV/DVD’s. My skin was red and blotchy and I quite often came out in spots. My bones seemed to creak when I had to get up and I was always catching a cold or having a complaint with my chest; at one point in my life I had a stint of several ear infections.
Since 2007, when I started to attend the presentations by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I have gained a better understanding about the effects certain foods and drinks have on our bodies. I could then start to make choices that truly nurtured and supported my body.
With the changes I have made to what I eat and drink I no longer need any tablets for heartburn or indigestion, I don’t feel bloated and my energy levels have increased. My thoughts have a lot more clarity and are not just focussed on me. My skin is very clear and I haven’t had a cold or a chest complaint for years.
Looking at some old photos of myself, I now look about 10 years younger and what is more important is that I FEEL younger. The choices I have made have had a profound effect on my life and I know I will never go back to my old ways.
So, in answer to the question,
Is Time Travel Possible?
But is it possible to appear to slow down the ageing process by choosing to fuel and run our bodies in a loving manner, so we will look healthier and have more vitality? YES!
It just makes sense that if something we put into our bodies can prematurely age us, then we can reverse that by not putting it into our bodies, something which I have experienced, all without a time capsule in sight!!
Inspired by the work of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and his continued love, commitment and dedication to humanity.
By Tim Bowyer, London Bus Driver, UK
Further Reading:
On The Topic of Food and Diet
Farewell Dear Coffee
Before and After My Self Love Program – Forever Unfolding the Real Me